
Again our chosen charity for 2024 is the 'Mission Christmas cash for kids' appeal which was very successful in previous years. As a drop off point, please bring your new and unwrapped toy with you to the forest.

Cash for Kids

Every year at Downtown Radio and Cool FM’s Cash for Kids they deliver their Christmas Toy Appeal. They run this appeal because it’s easy to forget the fact that thousands of local children right here in Northern Ireland live in real poverty and deprivation, and are facing the prospect of waking up to nothing this Christmas morning. Cash for Kids work with local authorities and other charities to donate the toys collected to children in Northern Ireland. Over the last 6 years the appeal has given presents to over 4000 disadvantaged children who, through no fault of their own, would otherwise have got no presents this Christmas.

Our Santas grotto will be a collection point for anyone to drop off their new and unwrapped toys for the appeal.

See letters from Cash for Kids for our help in 2012 & 2013. There is also a thank you from 2019 which is as much to all those who donated as it is to us here at Santas Magical Forest.


CLIC Sargent NI

In 2013 we also made a cash donation to CLIC Sargent NI. On average a family in Northern Ireland will make a round-trip of 95 miles, up to five times a week so that they can access the cancer treatment their child needs. CLIC Sargent's Northern Ireland Homes from Home Appeal will result in two new Homes from Home in Belfast, each within walking distance of each hospital.

For more details on CLIC Sargent please see or visit their Facebook page at

Below is a letter from CLIC Sargent thanking us for our donation and a photograph of Brendan Fullen, chairman of Pomeroy Social Activity Group, handing over a cheque for the donation. 


National Deaf Children Society

Another charity close to our hearts, one that has helped out members of our own community, is the National Deaf Children Society - the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people. 

For more details about the National Deaf Children Society please see

Below is a photograph of Martin McNally, Pomeroy Social Activity Group, handing over a cheque for £1000 to Barbara from the National Deaf Children Society